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Korp update

31 augusti 2012

Happy Friday salutations! As previously hinted, we'll all be able to greet this coming weekend with a spring in our steps, a smile playing on our lips and a new version of Korp running on the web!

Much I marvelled this ungainly fowl to hear discourse so plainly

Much I marvelled at the ungainly amount of changes in this release, as I'm sure you will. Including, but not limited to:

  • A pretty major rewrite of the parallel search view. Yes, ladles and gentlespoons, turn that frown induced by previous versions upside down and search in parallel to your hearts content! We aim to please.
  • You'll like the new Reading Mode, check the link next to the kwic's page flipper. So much easier on the eyes and patience alike.
  • 'any word' in extended search has been replaced with simply leaving the text field under 'word' empty.
  • Flip over to the lab and enjoy searching in the siberian german corpus! A special shout-out to Malin for this one.
  • Martin has hardly been asleep either and he's happy to report that the books in Litteraturbanken can now be searched, head over to the lab and see. As usual there's new finish-swedish corpora and the wikipedia and blogg mix are being prepared for an update, though it might be a few days still.


For we cannot help agreeing that no living human being
Ever yet was blest with seeing bird above his chamber door-

With the annual Språkbanken workshop event around the corner, expect an onslaught of Korp releases through September and October with new features of all colors and sizes.

A tip of our hats,
The Korponauts